Tuesday, September 21, 2010

here goes nothing

So obviously, it has been a long time since either my lovely sister or myself has posted.....um, errr, no good excuses here. I would love to say it is because I have been too busy surfing in Hawaii or backbacking in Europe, but really I have just been in Katy, TX living life. I DID see Bourdain last night and he did, in fact, confirm that there is a valid reason I watch so much food tv- I wouldn't have understood what the heck he was talking about in his lecture if I didn't! No surprise, he was awesome and I loved every minute of his dissertation.

Despite my lack of posting, it regretfully does not translate to saved money at Heb or Whole Foods. Nah, I am still there 1-2 times per day (insert pouty face here).

Today, I stopped because I had read about a super stress reliever in my gym's magazine. Oh yeah, that gym I never go to. Is $60 a month too much to spend just because I like their monthly publication? Geesh! As I am 33 and on blood pressure meds, I thought it might be a good investment to help me get a grip and stop the stressin'!

4 drops of Bach's Rescue Remedy at the earliest moment of stress or anxiety and well......we shall see if it works. Needlesstosay, it will be in my purse at all moments.....especially at work. Not pictured, but I did bring my handy 32 oz tervis tumbler with me to work today. I have received 2 comments on it and little does everyone know, but my water has an extra kick to handle whatever is thrown at me.

Bring it. :-)